

Did you know that about 60% of our body is water? Water is used for every system in the body and when we don’t have enough, our body does not function as well.  Are you a good water drinker? Personally, I make constant efforts to make sure I am getting enough water for hydration and overall health. One way that has really helped me be more aware is to get a fun colored water bottle and set a goal for the day of how many times I need to fill it up and empty it. We need about 8-9 cups a day, which is about 64-72 oz.  Blue is one of my favorite colors, so if I fill up my pretty blue water bottle at least 2 times while at work, I have gotten about half of my daily fluid requirements. I find I do not do so well on the days I forget my water bottle as it really is a constant reminder to me! Next time you’re at the store, you may want to find a fun water bottle to help encourage you meet your daily fluid requirements.


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