
tis the season…of graduation parties!

May brings out the best of graduation parties. Which in turn brings out the best food spreads! This last weekend, I had 3 parties in a row which made me remember the importance of mindful eating at times like these.  When making the rounds to all of your parties, you will want to try a little something from each party so here are a few tips to help you get through these parties without needing to move that belt notch over another hole!

*Survey the entire food spread before taking any food. Decide what foods are worth eating and what can be ignored…why waste calories on food that don’t bring any pleasure!

*Eat your calories instead of drinking them. Watch out for the high sugar punch, mixed drinks, and regular pop.

*Try not to hang out by the food…find a comfortable spot across the room and focus on people rather than food.

*Watch your portions! Use a napkin or small plate rather than a big plate.

*Eat slowly and savor the taste!

In the next few posts I am also going to discuss food safety as this is essential when hosting parties. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!


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