
Portion Control

Portion control and awareness of “how much” you are eating is essential to weight management success. The label will always have the serving size listed on top. Take some time to look at the recommended serving sizes and the nutrient information for that serving. For example in 1 Tbsp of ranch dressing, there is about 130 calories. If you aren’t sure what a Tbsp is, you may be getting way more calories than you are aware of. Here are some quick tips for eyeballing serving sizes to get you started.

▪ 1 teaspoon (tsp)—about the size of a (pointer) fingertip
▪ 1 tablespoon (Tbsp)—about the size of your thumb or a tube of lipstick
▪ ¼ cup (C)—one large egg
▪ ½ C—1 handful
▪ 1 C—the size of a tennis ball or as much as a woman’s palm can hold

Tomorrow I will discuss a few more ways to eye ball serving sizes.


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